We write compositions for all types of instrumentation. Whether orchestras, big bands, larger and smaller ensembles, marching bands, string ensembles, quartets, trios, or duos. Exotic instrument settings that do not contain European musical instruments are just as welcome here. Just talk to us and let us know your individual cast. In terms of style, we are open to all of our customers' wishes. In the case of different stylistic wishes of different members, we write crossover compositions that combine different directions of the individual members, so that every musician in the line-up gets his money's worth.
- Analysis of the strengths and preferences of the members of the cast
If the musicians are not yet aware of them, the strengths and interests of the respective instrumentalists and their abilities are jointly determined here. If there are any weaknesses, it is also important to know them in order to avoid them as much as possible when composing. The well-written composition will not help the music group if it is technically overwhelmed and cannot be played by the members personally.
- Personal advice and joint planning of the commissioned composition
Here, both stylistic wishes, individual preferences and strengths of the ensemble are taken into account if these are already available. If the music direction for the ensemble has not yet been determined, we will discuss together which direction the composition should go. Both the musical preferences and the technical skills and strengths of the members are taken into account to make sure that the work is really written in such a way that it is technically and tastefully suitable for the individual members of the group.
- Composition of the jointly discussed work
taking into account the agreed criteria and specifications.
- Submission of the composition In sheet music format (score and individual parts)
- Possible with a music production of the work on request see the sub-page music production for smaller and larger ensembles