Publications of the world music workshop series in the wind magazine "Clarino Print"


„Die lassen einen nicht mehr los“ (They won't let you go) with the focus on the adaptation of Bulgarian musical influences into one's own music (edition 11/2010).

„Die Tilinka Skala“ (The Tilinka Scale) with the focus on the adaptation of Romanian musical influences into one's own music (issue 1/2011).

„Tanzlieder und Volksmusik-Stiltypisch für Klezmer ist der freie Ausdruck der Solisten“ (Dance songs and folk music style typical for Klezmer is the free expression of the soloists) with the focus on the adaptation of Klezmer musical influences into one's own music (issue 2/2011).
„Persische Musik- Ihre Skalen, ihr Rhythmus und die Flöte Ney“ (Persian music - its scales, its rhythm and the flute Ney) with the focus on the adaptation of Persian musical influences into one's own music (issue 3/2011).

„Musik der arabischen Welt-Von Makam, Modulationen und Improvisationsmöglichkeiten“ (Music of the Arab World - From Makam, Modulations and Improvisation Possibilities)with the focus on the adaptation of Arabic musical influences into one's own music (issue 4/2011).

„Schaschmakam-Ein Ausflug in die tadschikische Musik“ (Shashmakam-An excursion into Tajik music) with the focus on the adaptation of Tajik musical influences into one's own music (issue 5/2011).

„Musik vom Dach der Welt -Eine musikalische Reise ins Pamirgebirge“ (Music from the Roof of the World - A Musical Journey to the Pamir Mountains) with the focus on the adaptation of Pamirian musical influences into one's own music (issue 6/2011).

„Schwarze-Klaviertasten-Musik, Pentatonische Anwendungen“ (Black piano key music, pentatonic applications) with a focus on wind instruments (edition 7,8 / 2011).