A very unusual gift to show appreciation for someone special is to give an individual commissioned composition for this person. This can be dedicated to musicians who can also play or sing this composition themselves or to give it to people, groups, or places as a dedication in order to honor them and to immortalize them with it.
- Commissioned composition as a gift for singers.
A song will be written for the gifted singer and, if requested, also produced with him, which is only available worldwide for this singer and thus gives him a unique piece as an interpreter, which only he performs worldwide alone and/or sells on phonograms.
Commissioned composition as a gift for instrumentalist A piece will be composed for the gifted instrumentalists and, on request, also produced with you, which is only available worldwide for this instrumentalist and thus gives him as an interpreter a unique piece that only he performs worldwide alone and/or sells on phonograms.
Commissioned composition as a gift for music associations, choirs, orchestras, bands, etc. A Piece will be composed for the gifted music groups and, on request, also produced with you, which is only available worldwide for this group and thus gives them a unique piece as a music group, big band, choir, quartet, duo, or any other line-up that only performs this ensemble alone worldwide and/or sells it on phonograms.
Commissioned composition as a personal dedication for a person, club, or place As a dedication, a composition can be dedicated to a special person, club or location. The people who receive the work do not have to be musicians. In this case, the gift is a piece that is written according to the taste of the person to be dedicated or according to their characters or according to a specific place or group in consultation. This dedication in the form of a commissioned composition can, if desired, be combined with music production. The recipients receive the work as a sound carrier from you. There is also the option of receiving only the sheet music and individual parts and engaging a music group (e.g. string quartet or even orchestra) to perform the composition live in honor of the person, e.g. for a wedding anniversary or a special birthday or a longer association Etc.